Three Year Regional Plan
Review the 2022-2025 Regional Plan for Adult Education!
SBCAE's 2022-2025 Regional Plan for Adult Education is ready for your review! The Three Year Plan will guide adult education programs at SBCAE member adult schools and community colleges for the next three years. It also details how members of the consortium will collaborate on building pathways for adult learners in our region, how SBCAE will help learners navigate those pathways and how students will be supported along the way. The plan is now available for you to review in two formats: the final narrative as it will be submitted to the California Adult Education Program (CAEP) office, and a summary slide deck.
All 71 Adult Education Consortia in California are required to produce Three-Year Regional Plans for Adult Education, and submit them to the state office of the California Adult Education Program (CAEP). For each three-year planning cycle, SBCAE engages in a comprehensive strategic planning process that includes extensive review of our current programs and regional needs, and consultation and planning with our faculty, students, and key community partners.
2019-2022 Three-Year Regional Plan
2015-2018 Three-Year Regional Plan
In response to the directives from the state's Californian Adult Education Program's office, the South Bay Consortium for Adult Education prioritizes the goals and objectives identified in the Three-Year Regional Plan for Adult Education, and identifies what activities will be supported in each Program Year. Informed by critical input from our faculty, through our Consultation Council and our program area Work Groups, and our Transition Specialists, these Annual Plans are approved by the SBCAE Steering Committee and submitted to the CAEP Office. Consortium and member activities are aligned to these Annual Plans which outline goals, strategies, and progress indicators. Achieving the Plan's goals determines accountability for CAEP funding.
Following submission of the formal planning documents, SBCAE produces an internal Work Plan that guides implementation of the current Annual Plan. Goals, strategies and activities determined in the Annual Plan are organized in SBCAE Annual Plan Projects.
2021-22 Projects and Work Plan
The SBCAE mission is conceptualized in SBCAE’s Universal Pathways Model, a visual representation of linkage between Adult Education and Community College
From a student journey perspective, the universal pathways model translates to the following model:
Tiers of Priority
In its first three year planning process, SBCAE stakeholders established priorities for future investment in order to better meet the demand for adult education and to improve the quality and adequacy of the services provided. These ‘tiers of priority’ continue to guide the consortium's resource allocation decisions.
No Wrong Door
Adult learners who wish to advance their educational and career goals, can meet their goals regardless of income, prior education, personal circumstances. No matter where an adult learner enters into our educational system, they will be guided towards the pathway that meets their goals.
Multiple Points of Entry and Exit
SBCAE’s system of interconnected pathways is designed to meet learners where they are and support a wide variety of educational, career or community goals.
Seamless Transitions and Warm Handoffs
At key transition points in their educational journey, adult learners will be supported by bridge services which build on foundational services - development of individual learning and career plans, goal setting, effective basic skills and CTE courses (literacy through 8th grade), high school diploma and equivalency programs, 21st Century skills, and basic career planning - with a strong focus on transition and preparation for postsecondary education and career training. Bridge services will include transitional counseling, individualized education plan development/refinement, understanding and addressing learning difficulties and providing wraparound services as needed. Transitions Specialists embedded in each of our members ensure a warm handoff when students move in between organizations.
Career Pathways
A Career Pathway is a series of structured and connected education programs and support services that enable students, often while they are working, to advance over time to better jobs and higher levels of education and training. Each step on a career pathway is designed explicitly to prepare students to progress to the next level of employment and/or education. (definition by Career Ladders Project)
Immigrant Integration
SBCAE programs support the linguistic, economic and social integration of newcomers. Through AB2098, the addition of immigrant integration metrics to the reported outcomes for CAEP funded programs allows SBAE to pilot innovative practices to strengthen social cohesion and promote a sense of belonging for the immigrant and refugee population in our County.
To meet the reality of adult learners’ lives, SBCAE programs aim to provide accelerated opportunities for skills development. Our members employ a range of mechanisms to ensure learners get a chance to meet their goals in a timely manner, including dual enrollment, articulation agreements, co-located classes, contextualized basic skills and ESL.